21 May 2012



So i know i have been off the scene for a very very long time, i have had such a busy time with work, & cakes & and me Nans come to visit from India, so yh been hectic. Ok so im gunna start with, How are you all? I hope your all doing well. 2ndly im sorry i havent responded to msgs thats have been sent to me, i will reply v soon Insh'.
Ok so now my ipad is running smoothly, alhumds, ohhhh and ive got the new ipad now, *bowsheadinshame* dint like the idea of having something which wasnt latest on the market lol. So yep i intend to do lots of bloging, ive been rubbish at it so far, & i apologise. Ok im rambling now.
Just a massive favour if u do follow me, or if i am following you, plz plz will u recomend me. =D

Ok so been busy with work which is same old, im so in my comfort zone at work, im looking for sumit new, so pray for me please, InshA' find sumit soon, need a new challange. And ive been making cakes wohooo, my latest has been for my beautiful neice (my very close friends likkle doll), i am so proud of it :)

Ive also been doing my own ipad case, ive actually found the patients in me to crystalise a cupcake on the back of it, and oh dear it was a mission. #1 had a problem findingthe perfect case, i purchased 4 off ebay and none of them clipped onto my ipad, my 5th ebay purchase was my "mr perfect" #2 couldnt decide on the colours & crystal size, #3 dint order enuf crystals, but i got there in the end and this is it so far.......x

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